Thursday, July 31, 2008

who's writing your script?

are you really making your own choices in life? or are you in default mode? sometimes it feels as though we don't have choices, but the truth is that everything that surrounds us in this very moment...was our choice. if you look around and aren't too happy with what you, my dear, are in default mode. i love hearing a story where i am reminded that we choose happiness. yes, that's a choice! there are things in our life that we just don't/can't/won't let go of; things that no longer serve our highest good. so, maybe, we're stuck in the mud. let our-self face whatever fear is holding us in place. lets look at it and tell it "i lovingly release you". we have to make space, open our-selves up to the wonders that want to enter our lives. knock-knock.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

F.E.A.R. Forgetting Everything is All Right

Hate is not the opposite of love. Fear is the opposite of love. Fear makes your choices obsolete, your mind is churning and churning, but you are unable to extend your arm and REACH. Because you can't! Recycling thoughts that don't serve you will hinder your progress of moving forward. How do you know you are afraid? I usually feel very confused. I can't make one single decision. I literally hold my-self back from what I desire. We all have different defense mechanisms. So, what can you do to turn this around?

  • Always acknowledge how you are feeling. What do you think this is triggering? Don't be afraid to seek professional counseling.
  • Try to engage in activities you enjoy to get your mind off the anxiety that fear causes. Anything you can do to raise your vibration. Take a walk in the park, paint a picture, exercise, write. ANY activity that you enjoy.

See once you open the window, you allow your-self to breathe and re-connect with that which is source energy. And you remember, that everything IS ALRIGHT...


Sunday, July 20, 2008

What Moves You @ The Core Of Your Being

We all have things that touch us, touch us deeply. When you can feel the strings of your heart being played like a violin - that feeling. We all are unique, therefore, we each have something different that moves us. But we are all capable of reaching our potential. We all came here for the same purpose. To be all that we can be. It could be in the making of a great piece of art, being on a beautiful beach in the caribbean, being a great friend, listening to Beethoven or Prince, watching the stars etc. The world is too large to make yours so small. So, go on, explore...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" - Excerpted from Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson


Saturday, July 19, 2008

What kind of world do you want?

Once you realize that you are the creator of your world, that very moment - is extremely powerful. Stand in that power! We create everything around us: home, paintings, writing, problems, nothingness, happiness, etc. We are all gifted with the power to manifest whatever it is we desire. With the easeness of thoughts that enter your mind, you create the tangibles of that thought. Let your world be a reflection of those hopeful, joyous thoughts. You owe it to your-self, don't you think?


Thursday, July 17, 2008

We are all on our path...

You are exactly where you need to be. Sometimes, outside circumstances frustrate us. We feel as though this is coming from the outside, when in fact, this is just a projection of the part of us that we do not want to accept.